Embark Blog
Step Out In Faith
Joshua was standing on the edge of the water. It was late Spring and the Jordan River was at flood stage so the Israelites would not be able to cross the river.
How To Practice Humility
You probably heard the story of the parishioner who received recognition for being the humblest man in the church. As an award, the congregation gave him a pin to wear.
Leading Through Love
The longest and most detailed job description for a husband in scripture is found in Ephesians 5:21-33. In this passage, Paul basically gives the husband one job description- love your wife. Paul’s words are simple and straightforward. LOVE YOUR WIFE.
Family Matters
There are several keys to a good marriage, but I have found over the years that communication might be at the top of the list. If I am not willing to communicate to my spouse, then the marriage deteriorates at a rapid pace.