Leading Men of Significance
For more than 30 years, Brad has been involved in ministry, planting churches and leading as a senior pastor. Eleven years ago, God led Brad to start Embark Ministries for Men and Embarkmen. Due to the amazing growth of Embarkmen, Brad now devotes his full-time ministry efforts to helping men become the best versions of themselves using God's words as the backbone of his teaching. Brad has led thousands of men into a deeper walk with God, and he wants to help you dive deeper into your own personal journey of faith.
Embark’s Core Pillars
Embark’s purpose resides in its desire to build Godly men of substance and significance. We are more than a “men’s group” -- a feel-good social gathering that merely talks about God. Wae mold and build and guide the progress of men in our group. We help them transform their lives, to be proactive and not passive.
We view strength as relative to knowledge and understanding of God. The more a man knows and understands God, the more he follows God’s will, the more he injects into his daily home, work and social life God, the stronger he becomes as a man, the more revered he becomes as a leader, the more accepted he becomes as a witness for God.
While strength is relative, significance is a destination for each Godly man in our group. Godly men of significance fully understand and appreciate their role, in a family, as a father, a son, a friend, a husband, a colleague. Inspired, infused, insightful, they achieve significance that is lasting, enduring, and powerful.
What is Embark?
Men are created by God with a desire to experience the fullness of life. He ingrains in us a longing for significance that we hope to satisfy through success in business, material gains, pleasures of this world, and meaningful sexuality. While each of these areas may provide happiness, excitement, and temporary fulfillment, seeking these pleasures outside the perfect will of God’s design leaves us unfulfilled because God designed us for so much more.
Embark exists to help men grow from success to significance. We provide men with the tools they need to discover a meaningful journey with God. We help men cultivate the tools of leadership, faith development, and relational acuity through the understanding and application of God’s Word. These tools are essential in drawing the most out of our relationships, business opportunities, and church experiences.
It is time for Christian men to rise to the challenge of leadership in our culture. John F. Kennedy once said, “Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” Culture needs men to stand up and lead! We need to reclaim the simple truths of scripture. We need to stand firm for truth, stand up for values, stand out as lights in a world of darkness, and stand against sin. We need men who will lead the church, walk in spiritual victory, lead their families in faith, and tell their friends about Jesus. We need leaders. Embark trains men to be leaders who are equipped to leave a legacy for the next generation.